Tour Underground Rome and Domiziano Stadium (Piazza Navona)
Domiziano Stadium (Piazza Navona)
Piazza Navona resembles the old Domiziano Stadium with its shape.
The stadium was an enormous structure, capable of accommodating about 30,000 viewers, with a 240 meter long and 65 meters wide track in which athletic competitions took place. Piazza Navona occupies the space of the arena, and all the buildings that face it stand on their foundations on the ruins of the stairs.
The stadium was the first masonry sports building built in Rome. He made it the third emperor of the Flavian dynasty, Domiziano, in the 86th c. The stadium remained in operation until the fifth century.
An underground environment is accessed where you can observe the structures of the stadium, including arcades on pilasters and brick radial arch walls.
The stairs leading to the top of the stairs are still visible.
At some points there is still the stucco covering some walls of the stadium.